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How to upload form submissions to my cloud drive folder


I’m using Google Drive to organize my files. Can I automatically save the submibtted forms to a Google Drive folder?


Absolutely! You can connect your online forms to Google Drive and have them saved directly to a designated Google Drive folder. After setting it up, whenever someone submits a form, it will be automatically stored in your chosen Google Drive folder.

Click cloud drive

Note: PlatoForms works with the following cloud storage services:

  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox
  • Box
  • OneDrive

Integrate with Cloud Drive

To save submitted forms to your designated Google Drive folder:

  1. Create a folder in your Google Drive to store form submissions.

  2. Set up your storage folder in PlatoForms. Follow the instructions Set up your storage folder in our user guide.

Video tutorial

You can also refer to the video tutorial:

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